At Go Trade, we offer a range of financial programs and support services designed to empower our members and help them thrive in the virtual trading world. Our community members have the opportunity to earn daily rentals by providing their virtual platforms to Go Trade, creating a mutually beneficial partnership that drives success for all involved.


Help our members to achieve financial success and support to their businesses

Community Join Program

The Go Trade Shopping program allows community members to join a trading platform where they can buy and sell goods, services, and assets

Shopping Card

The Go Trade Shopping Card allows community members to earn rewards and discounts on purchases made at participating local businesses.

Daily Rental Programs (GTDRP)

The Go Trade Daily Rental Programs (GTDRP) allows community members to rent out their underutilized assets or properties on a short-term basis

Go Trade Activities

Go Trade organizes regular trade promotion events for community members to connect, network, and discover new trading opportunities...


Established Fact


Established Fact


Established Fact


Established Fact

Virtual Trading Academy

Go Trade offers a comprehensive education and training program to help our community members

Profit Sharing Pool

Members of the Go Trade community can participate in our Profit Sharing Pool program

Trade Promotion Events

Go Trade organizes regular trade promotion events for community members

Financial Literacy Workshops

Organize financial literacy workshops and seminars to